He is the CEO/GM of JobsInTheUS.com which operates 50 hyper local state job sites plus Washington, DC. The first of the 50 sites www.JobsInME.com is celebrating 20 years of helping employers and job seekers find one another in Maine. This is a platform for connecting job seekers with employers and provides additional free resources to help seekers prepare for job searching. Saïd speaks to the concept of "human capital" and how he tries to humanize job searching for seekers and while delivering quality candidates to employers. The resources on his sites are free to job seekers.
As someone who was raised with a love for Morocco and the USA, Saïd values both assimilation and honoring one's heritage. To ensure people know where Morocco is located and its contributions to the region he administers a Facebook group called Morocco Is Not The Middle East. The group is member curated and highlights culture, cuisine and gorgeous landscapes of Morocco. Join and check out the pictures, videos and commentary on Morocco.
Music: "Clandestino" by Manu Chao/Playing for Change

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